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Application Process

SLCSE is a free, public school, open to all Utah residents.

Applicants for the Salt Lake Center for Science Education must fill out an application form, available online or in hard copy starting November 15th, 2024. Applications are due by February 7th, 2025. Applications may be sent electronically, via mail, or hand delivered.  An application will not be considered complete until such notice has been received. In the event that the school does not meet enrollment goals the period for accepting applications may be extended.

After February 7th, we will conduct a lottery to select students to fill available spaces in 9th through 12th grades. Letters will be sent to all applicants by March 20th letting them know the results. Families of the students who are admitted through the lottery will need to respond with their acceptance letter by April 8th, 2025. Students not admitted at this time may elect to remain in the pool for spots that may become open at a later date. Students applying for grades beyond 9th will need to submit a copy of their current transcript to be reviewed to determine if our course offerings will meet their individual needs. 

Students that are enrolled in SLCSE will be automatically enrolled for subsequent years unless written notification is received by the school indicating their desire to withdraw.

  • All eligible students who submit a timely application will be admitted, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the specific grade level.
  • If the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the specific grade level, then students shall be selected, by lottery, on a random basis except that the school will give preference to:
    1. siblings of students already admitted to or attending the school;
    2. a student of an SLCSE teacher or founder

In order to serve more students, the board has approved a SLCSE-Bryant STEM track.  With the changes, Bryant Middle School will become a STEM-focused middle school  (grades 7 and 8), and SLCSE will continue as a STEM-focused high school, serving grades 9-12.  

Apply for the 2025-2026 School Year!  

Thank you for your interest in the Salt Lake Center for Science Education. The application period for the 2025-2026 school year will run from November 15th, 2024 to February 7th, 2025. If you are still interested in applying after these dates you can fill out the application above but it will be considered late. If spaces become available and if we get to the late applicants, we will communicate with you via phone to inform you of an opening. If you have further questions about our application process, please call the main office.  

SLCSE students
SLCSE students
SLCSE students
SLCSE students
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SLCSE students
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SLCSE students